Scare Me Straight
A little spooky, a little queer, and a lot of laughs! Join Alexa, Nichole, and Jonathan on their eternal investigation of the paranormal, the supernatural, the occult, and the downright frightening. We promise not to scare you... too much.
Scare Me Straight
Eastern Airlines Flight 401
Alexa, Nichole, and Jonathan
Season 2
Episode 15
Oh listenerssss! Are you ready for a little vay-cay?!
Well… after this episode you might not be… This week on Scaremestraight we are diving right into the Flight of 401 and the ghosties that follow! We love a traveling girlie. But not everyone feels that way!
Please fasten your seat belts, raise your window shades, and remain in your seat for take off because we aren’t liable for ya’ll.